Until you try and turn them into sound, bits are indeed bits...and one
day someone will devise an experiment to prove this. There are many
reasons why an accurate rip to HD will give a reliably (ie repeatably)
accurate rendition of the right bits in the right order - and why even
the BEST CDP in the world (whatever that is) will sometime misread bits
from a spinning disc...

In the world of SPDIF/Toslink, even with the correct bits, what matters
is jitter messing up the "timing of the bits" and of course the
filtering and final analogue stage of the DAC. The clocking and cabling
play a part in all of this, as does PSU noise and interference.

caution - sweeping generalization alert :o)

The only people who don't accept that an accurate rip+HD will
outperform a high-end CDP as a digital transport are:

1) people who (currently) own high-end CDP's
2) hi-fi reviewers
3) buffoons who know nothing about how computers work.

Phil (kevlar jacket enabled)

Phil Leigh
Phil Leigh's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=85
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=24670

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