opaqueice wrote:
> philodox Wrote: 
>> I use both my Squeezebox 3 and my Eastsound CD-E5 as transports to my
>> Lavry Black DA10.  The Eastsound is noticably better as a transport.  
> I'm afraid you fall into Phil's category 1, hence helping prove his
> point ;-).  
> But seriously, and I ask this in a spirit of friendly skepticism, how
> can digital errors (either jitter or missed bits) change something like
> bass detail?  The bits themselves have essentially nothing to do with
> bass, until they get decoded through a very complex process in the DAC.

It's the timing information that is the issue. This has been covered on
these formums many times.

> To make an analogy, since you're a network engineer isn't it kind of
> like saying when you send a jpeg file over a wireless net versus wired
> the reds in the image are more washed out and less saturated, but the
> greens and blues are fine?

No, it's not the same at all.

Network transmission has error correction. The data is wrapped up in
various layers of protocols.

With digital audio, the bits simply transmitted over an analogue medium.
There are all sorts of ways the signal can degrade in transmission and
hence the musical information represented by the signal can be affected.


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