Koenraadr Wrote: 
> just to add my bit to the thread..
> I finally got to try my SB3 against my CD player (Arcam alpha 5+)in a
> proper blind test with my blind audiophile friend.
> He instantly chose the CD from SB3 but also declared the SB3 quite
> acceptable for day to day listening. I played FLAC, 320kbps MP3 and 192
> kbps MP3.
> Admittedly he does know the quality of my system as he has heard it
> many times b4. My only logic here is he instantly heard a difference.
> So with the only change being the source as the interconnects are
> identical, he heard a difference... Slighty less treble (which I had
> spotted) and more bass (which I had not)
> Amp is Audiolab 8000C + 2 x 8000P + old well run in TDL RTL4's.

Hi Koenraadr, could you specify if you were using them as transports to
an external DAC, or with their analogue outs?

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