highdudgeon Wrote: 
> Sounds about right.  Really, it looks like a great product, but I think
> they've overshot it somewhat.  For two thousand, I will pass.

Well, I guess at new product launch time we all suddenly become
marketing experts... :) So now it must be my turn!

Remember its a heck of a lot easier to bring a product price down if
you find you've overshot than it is to put it up if you find you've
undercooked it.  At product launch you'd much rather have a trickle of
orders while you find out how to build the thing than to be flooded and
realise that you could have charged more.  Remember also that there
isn't, AFAIK, a direct competitor or even anything particularly close
to help establish a value.

Also that one of the objeectives of the product, we presume, is to gain
respectability for SDs line in the Audiophile world, where low prices
represent a barrier to acceptance!

I'm not about to fork out $2000 either, but I'm not the target.  I'm
delighted to see the product though, as I think it will bring new
customers to Slim and should eventually give more for the mainstream SB

Just one more thing, to all the respondants to this and the other
threads who have slated Slim for including this or not including that:
don't have a go at Slim because they haven't created *your* ideal
product - no mass produced product is going to match anyone's needs
exactly, the real question is have they got something sufficiently
differentiated from their competition and their existing line to be
worth bringing to market?

Looks to me like they have. Go for it!


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