A few random thoughts:

(1) double-blind testing ... while granting some practical limitations
(like the hangover problem, or the number of trials you need to make,
or how long you need to listen to each sample, or making it really
blind), this does have a very valuable contribution to make in
answering the question "is there a difference?"  Not, of course, "is
this better?"!  But if a snake-oil salesman or his victim can't tell
the difference between A and B, then there really isn't one, regardless
of whether you favour an "objective" (measurement-driven) or
"subjective" (ear-driven) approach to evaluation.

The consequence of this, in response to the last post, is that it's not
very helpful in comparing gear, but it is helpful in determining whether
a tweak has any discernable effect.

(2) comparing gear ... the problem with this is that in the end, we
have to make a subjective judgement about what sounds best to us.  This
is some mix of the behaviour of our ears (we do all have differing
frequency-response curves, my audiologist sister tells me), the
behaviour of our brains in interpreting the sound we hear, the impact
of our musical preferences, and of course non musical influences like
the price or the pretty lights.

Does that make me a pure subjectivist? Well, no, because objective
measures are hugely useful in arriving at shortlists of stuff to listen
to, although reviews written from a subjective viewpoint can *sometimes*
be helpful.

(3) audiophilia as religion ... it really is, you know. Hence the holy
wars that keep springing up on this board.  Even worse, we are not
talking about one religion attacking another, what we have here are two
sects of the same religion which, as history tells us, gives us the
worst kind of religious war!

(4) subjectivist/objectivist/realist ... going back to the very first
post, I agree that the subjectivist and objectivist are contrasting
positions, but I'm not sure that "realist" is distinct.  I suspect that
the "realist" is someone between the two ends of the scale.  And lets
not forget that there is another, orthogonal scale, ranging from
"raving audiophile" at one end to "really don't care" at the other.

(5) bringing my last two points together... the interesting thing about
the subjectivist/objectivist spectrum is that unlike many other such
lines, where few people occupy either end but most people are somewhere
in the middle, in this one there are plenty of people at each end...
more of an even distribution than a normal one, say.

So, in conclusion, audiophiles are not normal ! :)


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