tomjtx;144052 Wrote: 
> If I had listened to unfamiliar recordings I think it would have been
> harder to hear those differences.
> So, is it possible that much blind testing relies on short term aural
> retention rather than long term. Perhaps a blind test which uses
> recordings testers are intimately familiar with on that system could
> yield different results? I don't have an opinion on that, just curious.

Well, when I bought my current amp (a ~$1200 upgraded Odyssey Cyclops)
I went to some effort to compare it to the old one (a Technics, new
price maybe $400 in 1992).  I compared them using the SB by making
"mono" files - I used Audacity to take the left channel of an original
.WAV and make a new file, with the orignal left channel now on both
channels.  So no digital processing of the sound file - just both
outputs identical.  Then I sent one out to one amp, and one to the
other, and connected each amp to one of a pair of speakers.  I tried
this both with and without an external DAC.  I had a friend switch
which speaker was connected to which amp back and forth out of my sight
(so blind, but not double blind - but I'm reasonably sure she didn't
give me any clues).  I'm also an (amateur) musician, have played an
instrument since age 4, and have very good high-frequency hearing (I've
always been able to hear the sound of a TV monitor, which is somewhere
around 16kHz).

In the end, I could tell the difference, but only on some tracks I knew
very well, and even then just barely.  I found it easiest to discern on
a recording of the Bach cello suites - there was a difference in
timbre, and possibly in detail.  But it was very subtle - and this in a
comparison between an extremely highly rated and reviewed amp custumized
and upgraded by the manufacturer, and a 15 year old medium to low grade
mass-market surround sound receiver.

My (personal) conclusion from this experience?  Spend money on music,
speakers, and room correction.  Amplification has been solved.

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