CardinalFang;144001 Wrote: 
> One thing to consider is who is doing the testing. I would put forward
> the view that a serious professional reviewer should use double blind
> as a matter of course, but for individuals, just buy what you want
> after reviewing and auditioning by whatever means you like! 

You're right on both counts - and it's never gonna happen.  There's a
quote somewhere by John Atkinson about how in a blind test he couldn't
distinguish between two amplifiers he regarded as very different.  I
really love this quote, because it demonstrates such total
irrationality - he concludes there must be something wrong with blind
testing.  Not that the amps might sound the same - impossible! - but
somehow that blind testing conceals differences.  Quite scary, since
all of our drugs, medical treatments etc. are tested that way.  And
completely ridiculous, since we have massive amounts of data that the
opposite is the case.

So if reviewers used blind testing and concluded that essentially all
amps sound the same, the industry would fall apart - or at least suffer
a major blow.  And any publication responsible for that would lose most
of its advertising revenue and go under.

The quote is here, half way down or so:

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