cliveb;146937 Wrote: 
> Unfortunately, the article by Steve Nugent that you cite is utter
> hogwash. His thesis regarding the superiority of computer based
> playback over CD is founded on the completely erroneous axiom that the
> master clock in a CD player is in the transport. It isn't.> > > 
> > 
> > Hogwash eh?
> > 
> > How many DAC's and transports have you actually opened-up?
> > 
> > If you had done this as I have, you would have found that ALL
> > Transports have a master clock that is both a PLL and part of a spindle
> > speed control system.  This is why I have installed Superclocks in 100's
> > of customers Transports in order to reduce the S/PDIF signal output
> > jitter.  It is also the reason why rewriting a CD with a low-jitter
> > writer such as a Reality-Check makes such an improvement in the
> > Transport output jitter.  The pits are more accurately located and
> > easier for the Transport to read, and therefore the PLL and master
> > clock are less effected due to less jitter as the pits are being read.
> > 
> > On the other hand ONLY DAC's that do upsampling contain an oscillator
> > or clock.  99.9% of DAC's that do not upsample do not have ANY
> > oscillator at all.  They depend entirely on the recovered clock from
> > the S/PDIF, AES or Toslink input in order to function.  The "Receiver"
> > chip does this clock recovery.
> > 
> > Perhaps it is the nomenclature of "Transport" and "DAC" that has you
> > confused.  In a CDP, they are of course combined.
> > 
> > Steve N.
> > Empirical Audio
> > Manufacturer

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