cliveb;147077 Wrote: 
> ..Of course, what the actual mechanism for any effect happens to be is
> not important to the listener: if the act of reading a spinning optical
> disc can affect the sound, then perhaps a no-moving-parts device like
> the SB is indeed an improvement.
> ...

Exactly, my point and probably that of others.
Now lets speculate what could be the reason - different players used as
transport sound different. Conclusion - jitter. 
Also, jitter reduction devices like the Big Ben and jitter-rejecting
DAC like the Lavry all use a memory buffer. This is the reason why
people suspect that there is no buffer in the player or it is
inadequate. Surprisingly, Stereophile concluded that the Big Ben
reduced the jitter, but better transports sounded better thru it. The
Big Ben designer was around for the review but he or the stereophile
reviewer did not have a theory on how this could happen. PhilNYC, who
posts here, thinks that the Dodson DAC (which supposedly has a buffer
for jitter rejection) sounds different with different transports. 

BTW, where in the Prism paper does it say, jitter is not affected ?
SOrry, I did not peruse it thorougly. A simple experiment which
measures jitter at the digital output of a transport with different CD
pressings would settle the matter. No listening test needed. 

Re: your signature line. Recordings that were mixed in analog and
finally converted to CD or DSD sound the best to me. Also, sound
engineers who use a good quality clock for their ADCs mention that the
sound quality is much better. So reducing jitter either during
recording or during playback should be a priority for high-fidelity
sound reproduction.

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