Thanks to everyone for responding to my thread.  I've learned a lot, and
there has been relatively little flaming.  Here are my thoughts:

1) We need to be careful about what we are talking about.  My original
question was basically if there is a fundamental difference between
single box optical CD players vs. network/hard disk players like the
SB/Transporter (with the hypothesis that it was due to a lack of
sufficient buffer to eliminate problems with jitter and errors).  So
points made about traditional CDPs as "transports" feeding external
DACs are off topic and a whole other issue (given that you then have a
SP/DIF cable, no clock being transmitted, etc., jitter can easily be
introduced in that case). 

2) The points made by Clive and others that the buffering of the bits
coming off the optical disc and how they are clocked into the internal
DAC of the CDP seem basically valid.  I.e. that the bits are clocked
out of the buffer by the master clock of the CDP into its DAC must
basically eliminate any jitter from the optical drive, ASSUMING the
clock is solid, and there are no interactions between the optical drive
and the jitter of the clock.

3) Sean asserts that there are NO fundamental differences between an
optically based player and a network/HD player like the SB.  I see
where he is coming from in one sense.  The bits coming out of the
optical player's buffer ought to be the same as the ones coming from
the network, IF you exclude errors and error correction errors.  This
is because, as noted above, the stream of bits coming out of the
optical buffer are controlled by the master clock that is also driving
the DAC.

4) Nevertheless, my sense is still that there are often signficant
sonic problems related to optical drives inside of single box CDPs. 
Perhaps not inherent, and perhaps high-end CDP makers get around the
problems by including separate power supplies for motors and audio
circuits, using data drives to have better error correction (which then
requires bigger buffers), using higher quality DACs and clocks, etc. 
But still, my gut feeling is that there are a set of complex
engineering compromises when working with a real-time delivery (i.e.
not CD_ROM data) optical drives that **usually** compromise the

4a) I say this for two reasons.  (a) my friends and my (admitedly
unscientific) listening experience is that the SB has (while not always
better overall) a reliably more pleasant, musical, and different sound
than most CDPs (insert your favorite audio descriptors here: relaxed,
focused, mo-better bass, smoother, blah, blah, blah), **especially for
the money**.  I know this will not satisfy the bits-are-bits folks, but
my experience working in recording studios is that the ear/brain system
is an extremely sensitive (though often unrealiable--hence the need for
blind testing) measurement system that can discover differences that
can't initially be explained in engineering terms.  I think many here
will remember when CD players first came out and people who said they
didn't think the sound was that great compared to vinyl were ridiculed
because CD audio was "perfect".  My ears tell me something is wrong
with traditional CDPs.

4b) Second, the whole optical real-time delivery system seems like kind
of a mess.  It's mechanical, it puts EMI producing, variable speed
motors next to analog electronics, it is prone to data errors, it puts
a strain on the power supply, etc. (I'm sure those who know more about
the insides of this system can describe other problems).  I think we've
learned that both bits and analog audio are pretty fragile, and many
factors can affect both.  So moving all that optical junk off to an
external computer (and eliminating the real-time getting bits off a
crappy optical disc delivery problem completely), seems like a good
thing.  If nothing else, it makes for a simpler engineering problem and
fewer compromises in a box like an SB.

5) Of course, there are all the convienience advantages, which also
increase the pleasure of listening to music.

Thanks again to everyone!


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