Rob Darling;149666 Wrote: 
> Hello,
> I am Rob Darling and I am indeed a part of Sooloos.  I was the "guy"
> who gave the demos at Magnolia.
> We have kept a policy of staying away from forums- this is a site
> someone else works hard to put up and pay for- but I felt that maybe
> there was a little bit of ill will developing that I should step in and
> defray.  
> We did put the Classic Car Club/Sooloos video on youtube in response to
> a post on the Sonos forum stating that we were vapourware, figuring that
> people would find it pretty quickly, which they did.  But the Sonos
> forum seemed more interested in our model than the system and things
> mostly ended there.
> That has been the limit of our activity on-line.  We just debuted a
> month ago at CEDIA and have been busy since then working to finalize a
> number of software changes and develop dealer relationships.  We've
> been watching the press closely and have been happy to see that we've
> at least made a splash- believe me, it was pretty scary to walk into
> the Denver convention center next to some of the biggest companies in
> the world and try to break into a really rough business. 
> We are a new company and worked hard to develop what we think is a
> great music server system that serves certain needs for certain
> customers.
> Our product is priced the way it is because it does a lot of things,
> rather than asking the user to do a lot of things, which ends up being
> expensive. 
> For example, it has two storage devices- a secondary and a primary-
> that actually offer zero downtime redundancy and can be regenerated by
> the customer, or any non-technology person, by simply switching two
> cables and powering up the replacement.  I'm sure you can imagine the
> hard drive cost alone for a redundant pair of terabyte NAS'es.
> For users with multiple homes, the systems synchronize their
> collections.
> We integrate all AMG metadata, including credits and reviews, and all
> of it is easily searchable.  We will soon offer a music store through
> the box and that will also be searchable in the same way.
> Our system is multi-zone and can be extended in any direction
> independently- more control, storage, or zones are only added as
> needed.
> So, please understand that we are a different system from the
> Squeezebox and Transporter, addressing different needs.  I actually was
> shown both by the great sales folks at Magnolia and really liked them.
> If anyone has any questions, please feel free to contact me.  I notice
> that a number of you are in the New York area- if you'd like a demo, we
> can set something up.
> Best,
> Rob Darling

That sounds wonderful, but could you just go over the cost
justification bit again please lol...


*SlimServer Version:* 6.5 - Windows XP.
*Amp:* Cambridge Audio 640a (living room) / Denon MD30 (bedroom).
*Speakers:* Mission 701's (living room) / Kef Cresta 1's (bedroom).
*Remote:* T-Mobile MDA Vario / Sony PSP / Cambridge Audio Explorer
*Clients:* 1 Squeezebox3 + Softsqueeze.
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