Rob Darling;149666 Wrote: 
> Hello,
> I am Rob Darling and I am indeed a part of Sooloos.  I was the "guy"
> who gave the demos at Magnolia.
> We have kept a policy of staying away from forums- this is a site
> someone else works hard to put up and pay for- but I felt that maybe
> there was a little bit of ill will developing that I should step in and
> defray.  
> We did put the Classic Car Club/Sooloos video on youtube in response to
> a post on the Sonos forum stating that we were vapourware, figuring that
> people would find it pretty quickly, which they did.  

That would be me. I said that based on the website it looked like
vapourware - it does look more like a rendering than an actual picture;
but when I saw the YouTube video, I said I stood corrected - and I don't
mind apologizing again - no offence was intended it was merely an

There was certainly no ill will on that forum or on this one, just
people thinking out aloud about the whether the price tag is justified.
I don't know if it is, but I will keep an open mind.


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