tomjtx;150551 Wrote: 
> Yeh, i read audio circle all the time. The posts you are talking about
> are on the Bolder manufacturers site. Most of the posts saying the
> Bolder modded SB is better than the TP are by Wayne himself. the other
> is by a Wayne devotee who heard the 2 at the RMAF for a few hours.
> Hardly unbiased opinions formed from weeks of listening experience.
> I like Wayne, he seems like a sincere guy, but some of his recent posts
> re the TP
> seem a bit self serving , to say the least.  think it is far to earl to
> be talking about modding the TP. Let it break in and do some serious
> listening before making judgments. Having said that. if I heard a
> Bolder modded TP and thought it was better I would do it. But it is WAY
> too soon to be on that bandwagon.
> Get real RAj, you have just discredited yourself with this post. Why
> didn't you just come out and say the posts were on the Bolder site?
> Can you not afford a TP? Is that why you are so invested in a modded
> SB?

You didn't answer my question about the power supply. I agree that it
is too early to judge definitively if a modded SB is better than a
stock TP. Isn't this the Slim Devices forum? Can't we expect that there
are SD pumpers on this sight. I agree that it is in Wayne's interest to
pump his services but in the past he has offered and held shootouts
between various versions of his mods vs. all comers. I held out for a
long time before signing up for a Bolder mod. Didn't his modded SB get
one of the Enjoy the Music's annual awards? Naturally, you could say
that that is bogus and ETM is not legit but if they gave the award to
the TP than I imagine you would be very

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