tomjtx;150401 Wrote: 
> you are absolutely WRONG about that. I am a professional musician,
> trained to hear far more subtle differences than the PS makes. I can
> listen to a piece of music and then write it down. I can identify
> numerous clasical guitarists in blind AB with 100% accuracy simply by
> their tone.
> And I identifird the PS V stock ps blind EVERY time. 
> Before you make idiotic statements like that you should spend twenty
> years doing ear training exercises as I have.
> To reiterate: I am a  succesful, professionaly trained musician and I
> obviously have MUCH better hearing skills than you. Do the hard work to
> attain the aural skills I have and maybe then you will have the right to
> an opinion.
> Otherwise you are just blowing hot air

Tom, have you actually done a proper blind test on the two power
supplies?  I've several times considered buying one, but I'm a skeptic
on these things and have never seen any evidence or convincing reason
to believe that it's worth it.  However if you have actually done a
proper blind test - meaning someone else swaps them, randomly, out of
your sight, and you can tell the difference reliably (like you get it
right 6/6 times, let's say), I might go for it.

Is that what you did?

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