tyler_durden;150825 Wrote: 
> Some things are worth testing and others are not.  It IS possible (and
> usually less costly) to use one's intellect to deterimine which is
> which.  For example, if I were to suggest that the best mod you can
> make to improve the sound of your stereo is to hold a loaded 44 caliber
> gun to your head and pull the trigger, no one would think it is true. 
> No one would test the idea.  No one would even suggest testing it
> (although there are some bruised egos that may suggest that I test it
> and get back to them with the results!).
> It is pointless to labor this any further.  As I said in the first
> post, if you are a believer, you will hear a difference, and if you
> aren't you won't.  There's no need to get upset about it.  It is human
> nature and it applies to you even if you think it doesn't.
> No one's mind will be changed by any of this.  If you say that a stop
> sign is red and the person you are talking to says "no it isn't", what
> more can you say and what is the point in continuing the dialog?  It is
> like trying to convince a child that he shouldn't eat candy because it
> isn't healthy.
> TD

Well said Tyler. Even better, one can see the truth in what you are
saying, without even having to constantly and incessantly claim to be a
musician, discuss religion, call others "idiotic", bring up their
scientific nephews (hehe), claim elite talents and hearing superpowers,
etc etc. For the record (and as you know), Slim Devices completely
agrees with you as well - although they seem to have eventually become
frustrated with having to repeat this concept so often on these forums.

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