Read Sean's post on the matter: if the SB3 is your source, then you need
something between it and your amp(s).  That would mean using your
preamp.  The deal is that you run a real, if as yet unrealised by
anyone on this forum, chance of a digital failure of sorts followed by
the blowing of your speakers.  Also, in an ideal world, you want to max
out the volume of the SB3 and use analogue attenuation -- that you avoid
any chance of signal degradation.

LikeButtah;154940 Wrote: 
> Hey team,
> I've just put together a new system, and am looking for the best way to
> get good sound of my (unmodded) SB3.
> At the moment I'm using a Quad 33 Preamp, and 303 Poweramp to a pair
> Dynaudio Audience 52s. My speaker wire is some flavour of Ixos, and my
> interconnects are complete garbage (i'm having a friend custom make
> some good ones, having Quad stuff means DIN and that makes things
> tricky).
> It seems to me that for at least the next sixth months, until I get a
> turntable, the Squeezebox will be my only source. Should I run it
> through the 33, or just go direct to the poweramp and use the SB volume
> control for everything?
> At present, I find myself using the SB volume control a lot anyway
> because the Quad doesnt have a remote. Strangely, I find the whole
> thing sounds better when the SB volume is lower (~50) and I increase
> the volume on the Quad. Does that make sense?
> Anyhow, I'm hoping you guys can offer some relatively inexpensive
> advice, as I'm a student, and can't really afford much of anything.


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