Oh and there is a useful guide for improving your karma on Slashdot,
which would be well applied here:

10 Tips for Improving Your Karma:

* Post Intelligently: Interesting, insightful, thought provoking
comments are rated higher on a fairly consistent basis.

* Post Calmly: Nobody likes a flame war. In fact, more times than
not the flamer gets burned much more than their target."Flame Bait" is
hit quickly and consistently with "-1" by moderators. As the bumper
sticker says... "Don't be a dick."

* If You Can't Be Deep, Be Funny: If you don't have something truly
developing to the topic, some humor is welcome. Humor is lacking in our
lives and will continue to be promoted. Remember though, what rips your
sides out may be completely inane to somebody else. [This won't help you
anymore; see above.]

* Post Early: If an article has over a certain number of posts on
it already, yours is less likely to be moderated. This is less likely
both statistically (there are more to choose from) and due to
positioning (as a moderator I have to actually find your post waaay at
the end of a long list.)

* Post Often: If you only post once a month you can expect your
karma to remain low. Also, lively discussion in an open forum is what
makes Slashdot really "Rock the Casbah."

* Stay On Topic: Off topic posts are slapped quickly and
consistently with "-1" by moderators.

* Be Original: Avoid being redundant and just repeating what has
already been said. Smirk. Yes, being moderated as "redundant" is worth
"-1" to your post and your karma. Especially to be avoided are the
"what he said" and "me too" posts.

* Read It Before You Post: Does it say what you really want it to
say? Check your own spelling and grammar. Occasionally, a perfectly
beneficial post is passed over by moderators because of this completely
irrelevant-to-content feature. This is also a good approach to checking
yourself for what you're really saying. Can't tell you the number of
times I've stopped myself from saying the opposite of what I meant by
checking my own spelling and grammar.

* Log In As a Registered User: I know, this sounds obvious but,
"Anonymous Coward" does not have a karma rating. You can't reap the
perceived benefits of your own accidental brilliance if you post
anonymously. Have pride in your work and take credit for it.

* Read Slashdot Regularly: You can't possibly contribute to the
discussion if you're not in the room. Come to the party and play.


SB3 and Shanling CDT-100, Rotel RT-990BX, Esoteric Audio Research 859,
Living Voice Auditorium IIs, Nordost cables
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