atkinsonrr;157544 Wrote: 
> I agree with Pat, and inherent in what he said is that there is behavior
> that can make this forum go down the tubes and behavior that will help
> to sustain it.  I suggest the kind of behavior evidenced in the above
> quote is the former.  
> When I find myself doing this I have learned it's helpful to realize
> that driving my negative behavior is usually an assumption of some
> negative intent on the part of the other person.  The above quoted post
> is such a great example because the assumptions the poster is making
> about me are so clearly stated.  But it happens all the time. 
> For instance many people assumed that PFloding was putting them down by
> inferring they were not "audiophiles".  And so they attacked in defense.
> But in earlier conversation P said that English is not his first
> language, and admitted his ability to get grammer and spelling wrong. 
> I thought it was plausible that P simply got the meaning of audiophile
> slightly wrong, and that he meant to say something like "tweaker"
> instead.  
> I'd like to suggest that one way back to positive behavior would be to
> assume positive intent on the part of the person you are responding to.
> It really does work.

Hmmm, I disagree with you on this one: rudeness is rudeness, and it
wasn't just this particular word, in my experience, but a whole raft of
behaviors, which I actually listed on another thread. You can't be
incivil with people and expect civility back. It's particularly odious
if you actually squeal and act as if you've been savagely attacked when
someone responds to your own rudeness in kind (I should point out that
I'm using PF as my example here, not you).

My disagreement with you lies in my perception that you seem to desire
protection for this kind of behavior for certain people, which IMHO
doesn't deserve protection at all. I don't want some animals to be more
equal than others.


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