andy_c;157534 Wrote: 
> Yeah right.  You just want everyone who disagrees with your point of
> view to STFU.  What a bunch of disingenuous crap.

I fully defend Andy's right to say this. I understand his reaction. And
I think his post is a valuable addition to this thread. (and , no, I
dont know him)

A, your posts do seem to support some form of censorship and other
posters have a right to let you know they feel you are being

If you are not, then Andy's post gives you an opportunity to clarify.
However, your clarification does seem to favor censorship and furthers
my impression that you are being disingenous.

I could be wrong, but it appears to me that you are the one that is not
"playing fair"
under the guise of reasonablenes.

Again, I could be mistaken.

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