JJZolx;157629 Wrote: 
> Very well said.  It's virtually impossible to run an audiophile forum
> without moderation.  There will always be the bullies with little to
> say that argue against those far more knowledgeable.  The DBT crowd is
> especially noisome around here.

Huh?????? I've seen few forums that are moderated. Look at some of the
arguments on the stereophile forums or audio circle.The Minimal
moderaton on the SD forums is de facto proof that they work, it seems
to me.

And whose to say who is "far more knowledgeable". You? If you are God
let me know, because as an agnostic I would love to get off the

Also, I dont see any bullies on the forum, just people disagreeing in
many different ways which is what makes this forum interesting and
entertaining for me. If this hobby and it's concommittent discussions
cant have a little heat and humor it would be a bit boring.

It seems to me you are labeling as bullies people with whom you
disagree and whose method of communication you dont like. Again, were
you appointed to that job or is it divine proclamation?

I am more subjectivists than objectivist. I think it's quite plausible
there are things we cant yet measure. I don't think DBT is the end all
of methods to determine quality gear but I dont dismiss DBT entirely

Why dont we all just suck it up. If someone offends you let them know.
If they are rude either ignore them or be rude back . That should be
OUR choice, not some single or group "moderator"

Oh, and if you dont agree with me I will banish you to the 3rd brane
where the flames are real. ( you think we got it bad in this universe)

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