totoro;157585 Wrote: 
> Hmmm, I disagree with you on this one: rudeness is rudeness, and it
> wasn't just this particular word, in my experience, but a whole raft of
> behaviors, which I actually listed on another thread. You can't be
> incivil with people and expect civility back. It's particularly odious
> if you actually squeal and act as if you've been savagely attacked when
> someone responds to your own rudeness in kind (I should point out that
> I'm using PF as my example here, not you).
> My disagreement with you lies in my perception that you seem to desire
> protection for this kind of behavior for certain people, which IMHO
> doesn't deserve protection at all. I don't want some animals to be more
> equal than others.

I agree rudeness is rudeness.  Absolutely right.  And you are right it
was not just the use of the work "Audiophile".  I only intended to use
that one example as an example of how assumptions about intent can get
any of us off track.  

And, I dont desire protection for only one side in this wonderful
ongoing debate which is a very rich part of this hobby we share. (Yes,
"hobby", and the less similarity it has with religion the better).  I
would lose alot if that were to happen.  We all would.  Like (I think)
most people here, I find myself somewhere in the middle in the
subjectivist / objectivist question.  But that is easy to say, and
maybe disbelieved.

So let me try to say more clearly.  When someone argues his pet rock
makes his stereo sound more [insert adjective] I am simply bemused and
maybe a bit curious as to why he would believe that.  When someone
argues there's no more left to learn or discuss because something like
a THD measurement or DBT is the "end of the line" I feel the same way. 
However, if either said or inferred that I was stupid for seeing the
world differently than they do, I would be angry.


Transporter, Quicksilver V4 Monos, Vandersteen Model 5A speakers.  SB3,
Quad Tube Pre-Amp, Tube Monos, Quad ESLs.  Homemade Tripath Digital
amps, Carver ALS (original) Speakers with Outboard Crossovers.
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