cliveb;157992 Wrote: 
> I seem to recall that some years back it was noted that many
> professional (classical) musicians in fact owned pretty low-end stereo
> systems, and seemed perfectly happy with them. The hypothesis was that
> these people's training meant that they could mentally "fill in" the
> missing bits.
> As a classical musician, I resemble that remark:-)
> I completely agree. This was 1st pointed out to me by a hi-end dealer
> in Seattle in the 70's
> I spent a summer there doing a lot of "audiophile" ear training so that
> I didn't fill in the parts.
> He was the 1st to teach me about soundstaging, imaging etc.
> Anyone can train their ear if they work at it and a bit of help from
> someone knowledgable goes a long way.
> Once the brain knows what to listen for it is a lot easier to hear
> it.Musicians might have a slight INITIAL advantage in audio ear
> training since they are already used to ear training
> eg. training the mind / ear connection, but I think that advantage is
> leveled out after a short time if one works at it.

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