More to the point: modders will have you believe that audio is magical,
and that any product can be improved in a few minutes by soldering in
certain aftermarket parts (which for some reason original manufacturers
don't use - go figure). 

Slim Devices boringly skips all of the BS and tells you exactly how we
design our products for performance, how they measure, and why they
sound better. No magic. All verifiable. And performance that is not
matched by ANY product that we've been able to find. I haven't tested
the 861se, but I have my doubts as to whether the green coloring
applied to its flywheel would give them an edge. <smirk>

If you don't believe me, just hook your modded Transporter up to a good
ADC or sound card, run an FFT, and you will see that the modded sound
you prefer is nothing more than a bunch of added noise and distortion.
You can do this at home. You don't have to take my word for it.

However if you don't care what you're really hearing, then please
ignore this post and just enjoy your modded Transporter!

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