atkinsonrr;158261 Wrote: 
> I would hope that modders could show some empirical, instrumented,
> improvements.

Perhaps there are some modders out there doing that, but I (in my
limited experience with the modding community) have not seen it.

> On the other hand, I wouldnt claim a modder is full of BS simply because
> all he could say is he performed listening tests and found his mods
> sounded better.  I would take that as information, even if not very
> compelling information.  It would be more compelling if he could
> substantiate it was done independently, with a variety of equipment, a
> variety of listeners, there was some control for bias, listening was
> done over an extended period of time, etc.  Of course, most compelling
> would be if said modder could report results of empirical listening
> tests.  Having a social and not physical science background I believe
> there is a way to make non-instrumented testing empirical as well. 
> Unfortunately, I dont think we have found it yet.

It's especially not compelling when the modder in question uses such
things as Bybee filters.  

There is an easy, empirical, non-intrumented way to do a test - simply
do a blind listening test.  It's free, fast, and (if done properly)
just as reliable and convincing as using a scope.  I've never (again,
my experience is limited) heard of a modder doing such a test to prove
his mod actually makes an improvement.   The test should first
demonstrate that there is a difference and then - *still blind* - ask
which source the listeners prefer.

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