Uli, the developer, is a nice guy and will respond to your emails -- he
can address the technicalities in a more satisfactory way.  But, yes,
the idea is to address time domain adjustments, etc.  He was a Tact
user and went on from there.  I am not a Tact user and won't comment on
the relative merits...but drop him a line!

richidoo;159295 Wrote: 
> Great post highd. Thanks! I read the Acourate website, never heard of
> them before. If it can come close to the Tact preamp I tried, wow! Does
> it do time domain adjustments to help with room resonance, or just
> speaker driver alignment? I couldn't understand half the stuff the
> website is talking about - I know RC sounds good, but I don't know the
> lingo.
> Thanks
> Rich


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