For those of you do not follow these things SoundStage is one of the
oldest and most respected of the online audio review sites.  And Doug
Schneider, who wrote the review is one of if not the sole founder (I
don't really know.)  I have been reading their site for years.  And so
this is the first important and credible review from an experienced
audio reviewer for the Transporter.  I would like to add that this
review is consistent with my experience.  I installed a Transporter in
my reference system with SlimServer on an iMac G5 with all songs in
Apple Lossless.  My system consists of a Linn Sondek CD12 for CD source
and an Ayre CX-5e for SACD and DVD-Audio.  Preamp is a VTL 7.5 Reference
and amplification is an Ayre V-1 and speakers are Vandesteen 5A.  While
there are differences in the sound (slight) of the three digital
sources the Transporter belongs in the discussion with the other two
highly respected digital front ends.  I bought the Transporter to use
in a system in a second home in lieu of copying CD's endlessly and have
moved it there and have been happy with it there as well, though I have
had some intereference problems on that wireless network.  That system
is a  joint home theatre/musict system witht Proceed electronics and
B&W 802 speakers.  At some point I will get an another Transporter to
put back into my main reference system because the convenience factor
is too great to ignore and the sound quality is reference level.  I
will add that while I like the Squeezebox it is not of reference level
quality, though I have not tried it with an outboard DAC because I do
not currently own one.  I do think that products like the Transporter
are the future of high-end audio.  Now, if we could just buy high-res
music in downloadable form that is not crippled by DRM we would really
have something.  Congratulations on the review and more importantly
your great product.

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