Eric Seaberg;160019 Wrote: 
> I have to throw in an answer here since I just went through a whole lot
> of grief trying to get my SB to quit dropping!  I have a Transporter in
> the livingroom, no more than 3 feet away from my wireless AP, and it's
> rock solid.  The SB upstairs in the master bedroom is another story,
> and even though I've got an average 70% signal to it, it can NOT handle
> uncompressed files.  Especially when synchronized, I have to LIMIT the
> SB to 320k.  If I set it to NO LIMIT, it'll spit and sputter all
> night.
> Now, my wireless network is running 811b compatible since I've got
> several 'older' Mac powerbooks.  I've considered running wire to the SB
> just to help it, but I'm going to try an OMNI external antenna first to
> see if that fills in the gaps between upstairs and downstairs.

I am not certain I understood you correctly, but I had a similar issue
that I have been troubleshooting.

My Wireless router (Linksys WRT54G) is upstairs, and I have a wireless
access point (Linksys WAP54G) downstairs in order to get full house
coverage. The Squeezebox is much closer to the downstairs AP. Both
broadcast the same SSID and have same encryption.

I was getting stutters and dropouts when playing FLAC even though I had
great connectivity (90%+). If found that when I disabled the downstairs
AP, I actually had much fewer dropouts and stutters even though I only
had 50-60% signal.

This led me to believe that perhaps the issue was in the wireless
transfer between the WRT54G and the WAP54G, so I ran a cable to connect
them (previously they were also wirelessly connected). 

To test it, I disabled the wireless broadcasting upstairs and only used
the AP for the SB. Perfect. No dropouts, full buffer, much better

The intersting thing is when I turned the wireless broadcast back on
upstairs, the problems again manifested themselves in the same form
(stutters, dropouts).

I am wondering if the SB is getting "confused" and trying to log into
both the WRT and the WAP. Any ideas?


SB2 --> Axiom passive pre --> Portal Paladin monoblocks --> Dynaudio
Contour 1.3 MKII
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