I haven't been able to get a good sounding impulse response, too. I'm
using the Inguz Normal.drc file and sweeps. I did notice the following
warning message in the ImpulsePre.exe log file (attached) and coulnd't
work out what it meant. I have looked in the DRC documentation. Here's
the warning message and the lines preceeding it:

Input configuration file: normal.drc
Parsing configuration file...
Parsing completed.
Adding command line options...
Configuration parameters check.
Allocating input signal array.
Reading input signal: l_imp.pcm
Input signal read.
Input signal prewindowing.
!!Warning: input signal too short for correct signal prewindowing,
spurios spikes may be generated.

The recordings are about 1 minute long. I have tried adding silince to
the start and end of the recorded wav files, but that didn't help? Does
anyone know what's wrong? Thanks.

sweepfile: S_sweep_10_21000_60_-3dBfs.flac
Normal.drc downloaded from Inguz
Using the ecm8000.txt mic file
Tried several target curves including flat.txt
ECM8000 mic going into Tascam US-122L 
44.1kHz 32-bit float Wav recording7

|Filename: prep.zip                                                 |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=2155|

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