NewBuyer wrote:
> Phil Leigh;164882 Wrote: 
>> ...As you (all of us) have no idea what the music is actually supposed
>> to sound like unless you were the producer/mastering engineer, we are
>> only making subjective value judgements anyway - there is no absolute
>> truth to compare fidelity against.
> It is so important to remember this! I often forget it myself, and
> sometimes need to be reminded of it...

Which is why "The Absolute Sound" magazine aims for real instruments
(voices, strings, brass, etc.) in real spaces. If you can reproduce
that, you have something that is not the result of using Protools and
some plugins.

This doesn't work for kinds of music that are not made in real space.
Music, and instruments, don't stand fixed. People invent radical new
things like pianos and violins.

When these new fangled instruments first appear, the old folks whine
that it is ruining music. Sometimes people take many musicians and many
instruments and invent new music forms, such as the symphony.

Synths, vocoders, massive gates, reverbs, compression, etc. are just
instruments. There is nothing more or less real in a musical sense about
them than a fourteen person first violin section.

I've been a mastering and recording engineer. A lot of my clients don't
like the recordings that I make. They want the recording to sound like
their mental image of how they sounds, not how they actually sound in
the room, or as recorded by the microphones, preamps, ADCs, etc.

Pat Farrell         PRC recording studio

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