lafayette;169783 Wrote: 
> Everyone has a definition of sensible.
> My definition:
> When making a high-priced purchase, make your you understand everything
> about the situation.  Read all the fine print (I mean, it was there, and
> it was there linked from the front page and NOT in fine print).  Ask
> questions. Probe.
> Do you buy a car without asking as many questions about the contract
> and warranty as possible?  Without asking for definitions?  If you
> don't, well, then it is your problem.

Whether the OP's behavior was "sensible" is neither here nor there for
our purposes here. If I leave my house unlocked, it doesn't mean it's
ok for someone to walk in and take my belongings. 

And you are applying the word sensible to the behavior of the OP. This
is not what I was talking about. I was talking about the interpretation
of the phrase "Risk Free Trial". If you can come up with a plausible
alternative reading, please share it. They clearly meant to give people
the impression that they meant "Risk Free Trial", when they were really
offering "Risk Free with Major Caveats".

To reiterate. Regardless of whether the OP's behavior was incautious,
Bel Canto behaved poorly. Their only possible defense is that they were
"sloppy" in the design of their marketing materials. This may be a good
legal defense, but I personally am sick to the teeth of it: we've seen
this time again from politicians and corporate malefactors. It seems
pretty obvious that they were intentionally being deceptive. Even if it
_were_ sloppiness, it would ensure that I never did business with them.

The fact remains: I now regard Bel Canto as a company not worth doing
business with. It apparently appears that way many others on this
thread, as well.


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