P Floding;173262 Wrote: 
> I believe that is what's called a "preconception". Doing a A/B (blind or
> not) with preconceptions would invalidate the test. And, as we all know
> by now, a negative A/B proves nothing.

It's incorrect to think you can ever go into such a test without
preconceptions - that's impossible.  Even if you had no idea what you
were listening to, you'd expect there was a difference - why else would
someone go to the trouble of doing the test in the first place?  The
whole point of blind - or better double-blind - tests is that the
effect of such factors is nullified as much as is possible.  In any
case I'm of course going to try to hear a difference; that's why I
bought the supply.  I'll listen to a variety of material, both through
headphones and my main speakers, and I'll be sure to unplug the
wallwart while using the linear.  If I think I hear a difference I'll
try it blind to be sure. 

Do you really think an extra connecter on the power supply is going to
make a difference?  If so, you'd better rip out all the wiring in your
walls, and go all along the power lines to the closest substation, and
then back from the substation along the transmission line to the power
plant, and replace everything with audiophile grade materials! 

As for not being able to prove a negative, I'm not going to get into
that argument again.  Let me simply say this:  "You can not prove a
negative" is a negative statement. :-)

egd Wrote: 
> Thx, just ordered two.

You're welcome.

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