P Floding;173595 Wrote: 
> Somehow I don't quite like how these magazines almost ASK for producers
> to keep prices high... Today high price is seen as a guarantee that the
> product is good -which is baloney.

Not that I know a lot about this, but...
The price of equipment generally reflects (taking the introduction of
new technology out of the picture) the business model of a
manufacturer. So, containing R&D, production, testing, and logistics to
a reasonable spend, then you base your unit cost on some reasonable
figure which should bring profit to you, a manufacturer, based on sales
projections of some figure which take into account blah blah blah over a
period of....get the picture? So, cost generally reflects the amount a
manufacturer has put into the prodcution of the item, and what the same
manufacturer expects back per item, once the manufacturing process is in
full swing. After that, of course, it's generally based on what the
market will tolerate.
High price is sometimes a guarantee of quality, and in a mature market,
generally so. Not that streaming media music players are quite a mature


After Silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible
is music - Aldous Huxley.
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