moshulu;177091 Wrote: 
>   What it means to me in practice is that I have no sympathy or
> understanding for people who try to get their home audio system to
> re-create something approaching the experience of a live performance. 
> This is so far from being achievable so as to be a meaningless goal.  A
> couple of nights ago, I was listening to the Orchestre de Paris playing
> Mahler's 6th at the Salle Pleyel.   This is not the world's greatest
> band, but I remember thinking that the quality of the live experience
> is light years away from anything that a top-end system could reproduce
> (much less mine).  I'm not sure why this is so, but I suspect it results
> from the fact that the sound in a concert hall is produced by dozens (?)
> of square meters of active generating surfaces (strings, sounding
> boards, drumheads, etc), and in my living room all I have is a  few
> dozen of square centimeters-worth of speaker cone.

I agree we're very far from this goal, and that it can't be achieved
given the current state of the art.  Still, I think we're closer for
some sounds than others - for example my speakers do solo cello pretty
well.  It's certainly not perfect, but the differences are reasonably
subtle.  Orchestral music is harder, I agree - have you tried

To answer the OP, I spend a lot of time on both.

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