opaqueice;177526 Wrote: 
> A lot of this depends on how the ear and brain do their direction
> sensing - is it bassed on phase (unlikely), that the ear isn't a point
> absorber and is sensitive to the direction of the sound(?), or simply
> relative loudness and frequency content in each ear?  If it's the last
> I think at least in principle it's possible to simulate any sound in
> any space, at least at the listening position in an anechoic (or
> perfectly RC'ed) room.  But otherwise it may be impossible even in
> principle to do perfectly.

Kind of interesting to think about, I believe it is based on
directivity as well as perceived loudness and frequency.  The problem
is reproducing the direct/reflected sound ratio from the original
performance room.  As another poster in this thread stated, real
instruments aren't quite as pinpoint-directional.  Theoretically this
could be done with DRC software.  You'd have to have a model of the
original room along with a model of the playback room and alter the
stereo image plus the EQ to get the playback mimicing the effect of the
original room while compensating for the playback room at the same time.
Not easy, and the "original room" correction would be different for
each recorded piece.

On a tangent, did you know that owls have one ear substantially lower
than the other?  This is in order to facilitate sensing the vertical
position of sounds.  I mention this because we should keep in mind how
we perceive sound due to our biology: we get very accurate horizontal
positioning cues from our stereoscopic, almost omnidirectional ears,
all on a subconscious level.  When we hear a sound to the left of us,
we don't always realize that it's because only our left ear has
perceived it, we just instantly know.  And the stereo "mix" from both
ears determines where we perceive sound to be: 80% left, 20% right,
it's "almost all the way" left and if we need to look that way we can
instantly locate the source of the sound.  Our brains make these
judgements subconsciously and very quickly.

We're picking up on very subtle, subconscious clues that what we hear
from speakers isn't exactly real.

Mark Lanctot

"It's like, you know, a New Age religion, but with better treble
response." - Jon Heal
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