Given you have an integrated amp, you have a volume control. I assume
you have the SB3 connected digitally to the DAC... 

The consensus is that you should preferentially use the analog volume
control if possible. This means setting SB3 to full volume on the
digital output side. Similarly on the DAC side, have it output at a
constant (full) line level. Then use the integrated amp volume control
to actually set the volume. This will preserve dynamic range through
the digital chain.

If you find that your full line level is not properly matched to the
integrated amp, and you have to set the integrated amp volume control
"too low", you can add attenuation between the DAC and the integrated
amp. The benefit of adding fixed attentuation in front of the
integrated amp is that the noise floor will get reduced as well as the
signal, preserving SNR, instead of decreasing the DAC volume, which
reduces signal but not noise, thus decreasing SNR.

Eric Carroll

Transporter-Bryston 3B SST-Paradigm Reference Studio 60 v.4
SB3-Rotel RB890-B&W Matrix 805
SB3-Pioneer VSX-49TXi-Mirage OM7+C2+R2
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