[I posted this on Head-fi.org but believe it is relevant hear as well.]

Last week I received my Slimdevices Transporter and sold off my Arcam
CD33 source. I had previous experiences using Squeezeboxes in secondary
systems, so all of my music had been ripped with EAC, properly tagged,
and stored as FLAC. On somewhat of a whim I decided to go disk-free in
my main system.

In the past I've had underwhelming experiences with source swaps. I've
owned a few DAC1s, an Apogee MiniDAC, the Arcam CD23 and 33, and a few
high-end Arcam DVD and universal players. Frankly, for me it was tough
to hear any obvious improvements (or deterioration) when changing
sources, especially compared to the obvious differences I experienced
when changing speakers or amplication. I had come to the conclusion
that at a certain level sources tend to sound the same. 

Last night I had the first chance to listen to the Transporter in my
main rig: Arcam C31 pre, P1 monoblocks, PMC FB1+ floorstanders, and
Moon Audio Black Dragon cables. 

This time I was blown away by the difference. The sound from the
Transporter was much more involving than it had been with the Arcam,
and I had a feeling that the music was easier to enjoy, and more fun.
This is a totally subjective observation but was very real after three
years with the CD33. 

More significantly, I was able to listen to older music and completely
get into it. In the past, many of my CDs from the 70s and 80s were
relegated to car use only, where the environment was more forgiving for
less-quality masters. I listened to songs from The Clash, The Jam,
Rolling Stones, Hoodoo Gurus, Allman Brothers, and almost everything
put a big grin on my face. Previously this music got almost no airplay
on my main rig.

On a more objective level, the soundstage became wider, deeper and more
precise with the Transporter. Soundstage had always been lacking in this
system, and I was beginning to think that the room made poor performance
inevitable. While before I had to concentrate to "see" the images, now
they were obviously arrayed before me, in a variety of music.

For the first time, I'm actually impressed with my system. I'm even
wondering if there was something wrong with the setup before. I can't
begin to explain why the Transporter sounds this much better, as I had
considered it to be a lateral move from my $2.5k CD player, at best.
But clearly the Transporter is a great fit in my system.

As a final note, I will say that "surfing" music and building playlists
on the fly is a huge improvement over swapping CDs. After the
Slimdevices experience, it is nearly impossible to go back to shiny

gregeas's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5877
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32969

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