kphinney;184566 Wrote: 
> From what I understand in the forums SS->SB transport is done in WAV
> (please correct me if I'm wrong).

ALAC can be transcoded to WAV or FLAC losslessly.  WAV incurs a
bandwidth penalty, FLAC is compressed so saves on bandwidth over WAV -
it's roughly similar in compression to ALAC.

> Does this mean that files encoded as AIFF do not need to be preprocessed
> by SS and decoded by the SB?

Yes, the SB can decode AIFF natively.  Unfortunately tags may be a
problem.  iTunes apparently supports tagging AIFF, but I'm not sure if
SlimServer can read the AIFF tags.  Experiment.

> Likewise, if I have intermittent spotty signal dropouts in my wireless
> would the larger AIFF file be subjected to more transmission failures?

Yes, transcoding to WAV or sending AIFF is the worst-case scenario for
wireless bandwidth.  1411 kbps for CD sources.  FLAC and ALAC will be
around 1000 kbps, often lower.

Someone suggested "Max" as a Mac ripper program supporting FLAC.  I'm
not a Mac person myself so I have no idea if it'll meet your needs.

Mark Lanctot

"It's like, you know, a New Age religion, but with better treble
response." - Jon Heal
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