Skunk;185810 Wrote: 
> You may be right about the receiver (I didn't search extensively), but
> this shows how it's done in an Oppo DVD player:

The Oppo is pretty special, it's achieved legendary status because it
does what nobody else does (upsample DVD video and output via HDMI). 
Definitely a unique case.

> My thinking is anything that decodes HDCD from a digital input or
> optical media, and in turn sends digital data to an internal DAC, can
> be re-directed to the digital out (or a new spdif interface).    T'is
> of course a far cry from what I'd hoped originally, that it might be
> possible for HDCD without the mod since it isn't so proprietarily
> guarded like SACD, DVD-A. 
> The legality of the mod is questionable if recording the output, but
> unless I'm mistaken you could, for example, play an HDCD/SACD on the
> Oppo, then send the data to the Transporter's DAC- and be within your
> rights of fair use. There did seem to be some clocking problems with
> 192kHz output, but I only scanned the thread so far. 
> I suppose what you need is a mod that outputs the sampling rate which
> will work best with the external player (or ecorder-ray-) you plan to
> use.

Yes, I'm sure DVD players and receivers could be modded to output
what's coming out of the DSP to S/PDIF.  It's not what you'd want in a
factory unit though - you normally wouldn't want audio with the
adjustments, tweaks and alterations the DSP applies to be passed to
another device.

Mark Lanctot

"It's like, you know, a New Age religion, but with better treble
response." - Jon Heal
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