I'm a newby and haven't purchased a Squeezebox yet, I need some
pre-purchase advice from folks that have been there before me.

I'm just getting into computer-based audio. I have good audio equipment
(Cary CDP, Unison Research Amp, VPI TT, Magneplanar Speakers, etc). I
bought a Mac Mini that hasn't arrived yet and I'm doing my research
right now.

I will probably want to move to a dedicated DAC of some sort in the
near future, but I'm trying to decide how to best start getting sound
off of the Mini's HD. I'm basically torn between using an Airport
Express (AEX) and a Squeezebox (SQ).

Both have an analog out that I could begin with, and both have S/PDIF
ports that I could grow with. The AEX is $99 and the SQ is $249 on sale
right now.

I'm not worried about the $150 difference at this point.

I like the SQ concept, but with the Mac Mini I get a remote control and
iTunes and built in WiFi so I'm pretty set. With the AEX I could be up
and running off of iTunes in an hour or less using the AEX's internal

With SQ I could be up and running with the Slimserver and pluged into
the integrated right away using the internal SQ DAC as well.

Then, when I move to a dedicated DAC in the near future, I could use
the TosLink SPDIF from the AEX to connect to the DAC (though I'm not
crazy about TosLink or the mini adaptor). Or I could use the more
comfortable RCA SPDIF from the SQ in a wider range of separate DACS in
the future.

So, with all the knowledge that you guys have about these choices,
which way would you go? Would you say the SQ is really a good way to go
at this time -- or is it more of an even draw with the AEX knowing that
I'm using a Mac Mini????

I appreciate your responses and will carfully consider all advice 

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