325xi;192046 Wrote: 
> Perhaps I'm missing something, but I simply don't get all this desire to
> hook your system into the laptop directly. Well, if you were headphoner
> then... but otherwise? 

Using the laptop, I can listen to a number of sources, not just
SlimServer. For example my laptop has a digital TV tuner that also
receives radio channels and I can also let my family play back their
iTunes libraries from all machines instead of having to have it all on
one PC. Also, I much prefer the visual interface of iTunes for album
browsing - as I said I have already written my own Java controller for
slim that gives me some of that back, but it still falls way short. My
laptop is very quiet, so if I can find a way to remotely control it,
then I'm all set. 

The real question is audio quality - I prefer my Copland CD player to
the SB+XDACV3 I have now, it has a more natural presentation and bigger
soundstage for example, so I need to find out if the Benchmark can give
me that too. Otherwise, I shall wait for a DAC that gets close to the

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