opaqueice;192974 Wrote: 
> That's an extraordinary claim - my understanding is that SS converts
> apple lossless files into WAV *at the server side* before streaming it
> to the SB3, and therefore the packets the SB3 receives, and the
> processing it has to perform, are *identical* whether your music is
> stored as apples lossless or as WAV/AIFF.

Isn't it the case that SS uses Quicktime to decode the Apple Lossless
format? Are their any circumstances under which that process could
result in less than perfect WAV or AIFF files? 

I find that some of my Apple Lossless files which play perfectly
through iTunes exhibit clipping or clicking sounds when played back
through my SB2 - it's one of the reasons I've been thinking about a
radical change. When I play the same files back through my laptop into
the same DAC using the laptop SPDIF connector, the artifacts are gone.
So it's as though something in the SS transcoding is messing up gain

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