wullsy;193750 Wrote: 
> Adam - did you actually contact the Swiss reseller to see if pickup was
> an option? Just curious, as I'm in a similar quandry to you. I've tried
> all sorts of experimentation with my SB3, but it still lacks a certain
> "something" compared to my cd player - an Arcam CD23. I've considered a
> SB+, but its black, and I don't like the wood round the sides...fussy I
> know! I'm considering the Transporter, but having not heard it, it
> would be a risk.

I haven't got that serious yet as I first need to know what to buy! 
However, there are websites in Switzerland that advertise at that price
and have shops, but stock appears to be limited at the mo (more chance
of silver, it seems - which would be my preference).

I'm not sure how flexible the finish of the SB+ is - I know Patrick
does options for the wood, but there may be more than that.

BTW my Shek DAC is a good improvement on the standard SB3, but still
not as good as my Shanling CD player :(



SB3 into Derek Shek d2, Shanling CDT-100, Rotel RT-990BX, Esoteric Audio
Research 859, Living Voice Auditorium IIs, Nordost and Anti-cables
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