Phil Leigh;194459 Wrote: 
> may be time to challenge this.
> There is no way that vinyl sounds anything like what what was heard in
> the control room as far as I am concerned. I'm not saying it isn't
> fun/nice. All I am saying is that it ain't accurate/faithfull...and
> before you ask - yes, I've been on both sides of the lathe!
> My LP12 (which I loved) was so NOT accurate in the conventional sense -
> but it was a blast. For me personally I'm happier with the digital
> version - it sounds more accurate to me. I'm not saying it is perfect -
> what is? It's just that modern (NOT circa 1983!) digital technology is
> capable of a fine rendition of all sorts of music IMHO.
> No doubt your M will V considerably :0)

Never thought I'd be a vinyl defender, but here goes ;)  Vinyl is a
very unforgiving medium.  You have to master the audio extremely well
or it will run into vinyl's limitations and sound like crap.  CDs on
the other hand are very forgiving.  You can compress and amplify the
audio like crazy (and other stupid things) and it will sound much, much
better than if you tried to master an LP in the same fashion--some
people will even prefer the badly overcompressed sound (shrug).

So whenever I hear vinyl and I think it sounds better than the CD, I
recognize that either a) the vinyl is based on a totally different and
better-sounding master, b) I'm enjoying the (inaccurate) coloration
provided by the vinyl medium and playback, or c) I'm imagining things. 
Because I like to fancy myself an objectivist, I'd like to believe that
if the vinyl master was used on the CD, the CD would sound much better
than the vinyl.  I feel the same way about HDCD and SACD--of course
they sound better--they tend to be mastered much more competently than
CDs, and I can't demonstrate that the advanced technology is
responsible for the improved sound at all.

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