adamslim;194561 Wrote: 
> Most PRaT protagonists (Pratagonists?) would therefore gently nod their
> head and chalk you down as someone who 'just doesn't get it'.
> Maybe that's one of the camp 'issues' - you know you're right, and
> can't understand how the others can't hear right.  Naturally, nothing
> can be explained!

These are all ways to try to describe something very subjective, namely
the experience of listening to music on a particular system.  Being
subjective there's no one way to do it right, but I have to say that
PRaT has always struck me as particularly bad description.    Responses
like the above don't help much ;-).

Stereo systems can not have bad timing or pace or rhythm in any musical
sense - they reproduce music, perhaps with some distortion and phase
delay, but such delays are on a time scale much, much below the time
scales of rhythm in music.  One way to see that that is true is simply
to listen off-axis and see what effect that has.  I'm not saying there
isn't something there that people mean when they refer to PRaT, just
that the term itself is very misleading, to the point that it's quite
possible everone using it may mean something different by it.

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