willyhoops;199094 Wrote: 
> For the record i am not a media company stooge but i do work in finance
> and have a more sensible view of the world that most people who think
> big business is all evil etc (except of course the companies they work
> for or have invested in), and drm can't be stopped even though we know,
> for example, that the fbi can stop child porn on the net and the us
> government have stopped online gambling.
> Most of all i am disgusted at how much potential there is in the
> squeezebox and yet how dreadful the reality is. i spent three weeks
> writing a tagging program powerful enough for my needs and i am buying
> a $700 robotic arm to scan my cd collection. my girlfriend keeps says
> "William why are you doing all this stuff... Obviously they are going
> to come up with a better way". I keep saying to her not if the general
> public don't wake up to the importance of drm.
> I know paying for music will be a bit of a bummer but if we start
> buying it again the quality will go up and the price will go down so it
> will be worth it!
> And just so you know I don't work for the RIAA I will happily admit
> that after scanning my cds i give them to friends and I regularly rip
> my friends CDs and give them a copy of my collection. It's a nightmare
> for the industry but until the fools build a decent DRM and lock it
> down with laws we may as well all join the party.

willyhoops;199095 Wrote: 
> Ps I don't normally answer silly points but SACD is not taking off
> because the economies of upgrading all our CD players don't make sense
> and we don't want physical media in the future anyway.

Ha!  Now I see it.  I thought it was a joke earlier but there was
enough to make me doubt it; now I know you're trolling.

Too much evidence: the belief that child porn and online gambling has
been stopped; the three weeks and $700; the by-again-just-this-once
argument previously used for the CD; the fact that your argument
against SACD is exactly the same as the one against the new super DRM

I was taken in.  Well done.

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