ok Phil i understand.

I Have a "good" room with big paintings on the walls to kill nasty room
echos etc, and a very big carpet on the floor.
And Camebride Azur 840a amp. 
Do you listen in stereo or 5.1 ?

To bad that you cant turn the TACT room correction off.
I think it´s harder for you to hear my bugg, with Room Corr ON.
But if it sound´s bad OFF, i Understand.

You have a very good Stereo ! :-)
But with the digital room treatment it´s impossible to sort things out,
(Longer digital paths) if my problem is in some digital buffer or synk,
mabye your Tac sort this things out and you are not having the same
problem as i have, because your TAC fix this for you?

/Mats :-)

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