Sorry folks...I'm not clear on why anyone accepts this answer.  The
implementation is broken.  There are times when I want to skip back or
skip forward in a song.  Sometimes to hear a part over again. 
Sometimes to get to my favorite part of the song (especially long
classical pieces).  Right now, I have no idea where I'm going to end up
in the song when I start the skip forward process.  I've often ended up
behind where I started or at the end of the song!  It's just plain
broken.  It's counter-intuitive to use as well, but at least I'd learn
it through repetition once it becomes more useful.

I actually don't care if I hear any music at all when I'm skipping.  I
just want the ability to quickly move to a different portion of the
song in both directions...and preferably in a way that's easy to do on
the remote.  I can learn the way it's implemented - I'm not so simple
that it has to be exactly like some other device.  Maybe if it had a
clear readout of the change in the elapsed time as it's "scanning" that
would be fine.  Some kind of indication.  No sound is needed as long as
getting in and out of scan is easy enough to check progress.

I think the key is addressing the capability and not past
implementations.  I'm surprised so much effort was spent discussing the
way CD players did it.  Who cares?

Don't get me wrong - I really like Slim Devices products, but I really
don't agree with the defensive tone of this thread.  It's a feature
that can and absolutely should be improved - there shouldn't be an
argument about that.  Saying it's not often used is just plain crap. 
It's not used because it's broken.  If it's a very tough engineering
challenge, then I'd say a mistake was made during the architectural
design of the product.  It certainly shouldn't have been a surprise
that people would want this capability.

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