Thanks for the very clear explanation, Sean. And as this is the first
I've replied to one of your posts, thanks so much for the Slimserver &
SB3. Best tech purchase since I don't know when. After a year, my
extensive collection is almost all organized and tagged up. It's been a
huge project, but so rewarding, I'm rediscovering my collection, music
listening is way up and TV viewing is way down. I feel smarter

WRT ff/rw, I have also been unsatisfied with the current
implementation. I just installed SongScanner and SongLoop (I'm a
musician, so the ability to loop a passage of music for study is very
useful). Integration of these plugins might be the way to go, they do
what I want, I don't usually need to hear what I'm ff or rw. The main
problem with songscanner is the number of button presses required to
get where you want, even though I've placed it in the top level of the
player menus.

I'd like: A clickable progress bar in the browser UI, that skips to 
the position in the track clicked on. In the remote control interface,
if not separating the buttons for ff/rw from track skip, when ff/rw is
held down, a progress bar appears on the SB# screen indicating the
position, and then plays at that position when released. There could be
a setting to choose whether the progress bar would appear, or as
SongScanner does now, a time indicator, or an option for the way it
works now for those who prefer or have grown used to this.

Being able to play loops out of the box would be good too. Something
like SongLoop now does, perhaps with a loop button in the browser UI
that pops up a dialog to enter the start and end times with a cancel

(Changes along these lines, and a default skin something like the tan
Fishbone skin with the addition of drag and drop in playlists like in
SlimFX, and I'll be a perfectly satisfied customer, instead of only
99.99% now)

Thanks again for the fantastic and ever improving product (how many
companies can say that?) Keep up the great work!



More than 33159 songs on 3246 albums by 2029 artists.

SlimServer Version: 6.5.3 - 12361 - Mac OS X 10.4.10 (8R218) - EN -
Server IP address:
Perl Version: 5.8.6 darwin-thread-multi-2level
MySQL Version: 5.0.22-standard 

On a 1.2GHz G4 Mac iBook with 768MB RAM
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