I don't think it's that Sean has a negative attitude to criticism -
quite the opposite, in fact. I think it's just that, given a detailed
technical knowledge of how the equipment works, he can't see any reason
whatsoever for the behaviour you're claiming. Nor can I. (And thank you
Sean, it's nice to see actual science used in a hi-fi discussion for

I'm sure we can all agree that the sound that exists in your room
depends on the electrical signal that comes out of the back of your
Squeezebox - yes? So, for that sound to change, the electrical signal
that comes out of your Squeezebox must also change. Agreed?

Here's the difficulty. Sean has explained that 'switching the
Squeezebox off' doesn't really do anything but change what's displayed
on the screen. The hardware that drives the SPDIF output continues to
do so, it just drives out zeros rather than music. There's no subtle
internal change that occurs.

In fact, given that you're using an external DAC, there really are very
few variables that the SB could possibly affect even if it were designed
to do so.

- it could transmit a different pattern of ones and zeros. This would
be a bug, and a dead easy one to spot simply by recording the SPDIF
output digitally and comparing before/after.

- the electrical characteristics of the driver could change, giving
more or less noise, jitter, overshoot or other recognised degradation
of a digital signal. These are defined by the choice of driver, PCB
layout and clock source - hardware parameters that are set when the SB
is manufactured. Fiddling with the remote won't change those.

I don't think anyone's saying that you don't hear a difference - only
that it's virtually impossible for the Squeezebox to actually be
behaving differently when it sounds 'good' vs 'not so good' to your

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