hammer65;213420 Wrote: 
> I have been an audiofile for many years and tried a lot of different
> equipment both transistor/valve amplifiers, dynamic/electrostatic
> speakers. Some of my friends are constructors of HiFi-equipment and I
> have lend my ears for many critical listening sessions. 
> It's very sad that you Seanadams has an negatively attitude to
> critisism. Isn't it important as a constructor/inventor to be
> openminded and try to listen to critical voices. Even if our problem
> sounds rather strange. I have contacted a friend/researcher at the
> Royal Institute of Technology here in Stockholm for help with the
> measurement. Maybe this measurement will tell us if everything is
> placebo or not.
Sean *is* being open minded. He has explained how the SB is designed,
what different functions do, and reported on his own measurements and
listening tests. He and others in the forum have also patiently
explained how to test things yourself.

So far you not only haven't proven anything, but you haven't even
presented any serious data, or even given the impression that you are
willing to provide data to back up your claim. One supposed blind test
with N=5 is it. Why not *do* some of the tests that have been
suggested, such as recording and comparing the digital output, post the
data here, and then we can discuss the issue. If you can't back up your
claims with real data then there is nothing to investigate further.

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